Have you found out the hard way that a lot of B2C digital marketing strategies don’t work for B2B businesses? You’re not alone. Many firms tend to make the same mistake. And by doing so, they experience a lot of setbacks. They think that the strategies aren’t working. Their resources are being used but the results aren’t coming. This makes a negative impact on their business and their view on digital marketing. But the fact is, marketing strategies are never meant as a fit for all. They need to be changed and altered based on the requirement. The world has changed and so has the consumer behaviour of professional services buyers.
To get ahead of the curve, you need to adapt to the new age digital marketing strategies above LinkedIn. Well, LinkedIn remains the first choice of every B2B brand and it should be. But here, we are going to discuss other strategies. These strategies will give you an edge over your competitors and help you put across a message that is heard loud and clear. Let’s see some of the best and unique digital marketing strategies that you must adapt for your B2B business.
This comes to the mind before anything else. It is one of the oldest and most effective B2B marketing strategies. It is also very tried and tested. You need to collect as many customer reviews and testimonials as you can get. It always leaves a good impact on the buyer as he reads honest thoughts of his fellow business owners about your services. It builds a degree of credibility which is organic and helps their decision making easier.
Online reviews can also help in outranking your competition and getting organic click through rate. Another good way to leave an impact is case studies. Make a habit of making a case study out of your successful ventures. A prospective buyer can go through it and understand your capabilities as a business. The case study provides the proof about your expertise and experience.
One thing that has made a lot of buzz in the last few years is live streaming. With everything we have seen in the last couple of years, two things are crystal clear:
Live streaming has become an integral part of an internet user’s life. Why not use it to your benefit then? The advantages of live streaming are quite apparent. It provides the most organic and real-time engagement. It allows you to do live QnA and conversations. Live events also give highly interested viewers. If you conduct the session in a proper flow with value addition, the majority of them are likely to convert. It is also a low cost technology with almost every platform offering it. They also allow you to save the live session and use it as a post afterwards.
These are some of the ways you can you live streaming:
Both of these platforms might seem scary to businesses because of their low exposure in the business community. They might seem like they’re not for brands. But it is actually the opposite. They both are very business friendly. The catch is, you have to market your products within the confines of the platform. You can’t blatantly promote your product on them and expect results. These are content driven platforms and you have to provide what it is made of. Both of these platforms have pages (subreddits, spaces) on almost every topic. They are dedicated to a particular niche so it is easy to find the right audience on them. You need to create organic brand awareness with quality and valued content.
These platforms require the brands to be completely transparent. You can’t expect to build a rapport with misleading information. Only transparency and honesty can help increase your credibility as a brand.
A lead magnet by definition is an offer which contains a piece of content, free consultation, or an experience that might be valuable for your customer. It has to be intriguing enough so that your customer provides their email addresses to receive it. These lead magnets are designed to help your potential customer solve a problem which has brought him to you. You can resolve the problem with your lead magnet and gain their business in the process. Creating these lead magnets is simple enough.
Choose a specific problem that you know your customer faces. Create a piece of content in a suitable format. Design it attractively and put it out there. There are a lot of ways to reach customers. The goal is to provide value and convert them along the way.
It is a novel approach to solving a problem that your customer might have. You need to provide a solution that is completely free. This might sound a little outlandish but if you leverage this correctly, you’ll get a loyal set of followers who will convert in the near future. These downloadables aren’t limited to ebooks. You can provide anything that provides value to your customers. For example, take a look at this blog of Socialee.
It has a social media calendar as a downloadable in it. This helps social media managers plan and plot their content around it. It helps them make better strategies for their brands. You can make different downloadable based on your audience and what might be the most useful to them.
B2B businesses need to understand that it is a time to hustle as the world is evolving at a faster than ever rate. You can’t afford to fall back and let your competition get the better of you. You need a partner that helps you create highly specialized and creative strategies which help you grow your business and stay ahead of your competitors. Connect with Socialee now and take your B2B marketing to a new height.
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